Wednesday, July 16, 2008

10 Best Online Dating Safety Tips

When you're meeting someone for the first time who you've met online whether through an online dating service or Christian dating service or other online singles site there can be a certain nervousness, thrill or excitement when meeting face-to-face. But in spite of the thrill, you must always be on your guard when going out on a date with someone you hardly know whether an online date or not.

Here are the 10 best tips on online dating safety and advice to help you make the right choices and protect you from harm.

1. Don't let him pick you up from your home, office or workplace. Arrange to meet in a busy public place. Avoid any secluded areas such as parks. If possible, try to double-date or go out with a group of people you know.

2. Don't give him your home or work phone number, give him your cell phone number instead.

3. Go "Dutch treat" by paying your part or half of the lunch or dinner check. This way you won't feel obligated in any way. Don't arrange a date to get a free meal,

4. Do not drink any alcohol at a first meeting. Besides it not being good for you (it's a neurotoxin) it will seriously affect your reasoning and judgment and lessen your inhibitions. You need to be fully aware for safety's sake at this meeting.

5. Use your own car to get to the meeting place and make sure you have plenty of gas. Try to park in a busy place with lots of people around. Do not go to meet someone where their car is parked. Parking next to someone's van can be worse, since women can be pulled into them easily and the sliding door slammed shut.

6. Some men may claim they are religious or are a Christian to further their case for being a safe date. These claims may be false. Even if you've met someone through a Christian dating service online or other religious dating service be on guard. Use your own questioning to find out whether someone is truthful or not. For example ask what their favorite bible passage is?

7. Make sure not to reveal your home address or work address. If the meeting has gone well and you feel safe and want to see him again, then arrange for a second date and take it from there.

8. Listen to your intuition. If something doesn't feel just right, it probably isn't. If this is the first date and you know right at the beginning or early in the date that something isn't quite right or doesn't feel right, then make a quick excuse and leave immediately. If you can't think of an excuse, say you think you have food poisoning and feel like throwing up and it's getting worse and say you're sorry and leave. This is better than being the victim of a predator.

9. Always let a friend or someone you know exactly where you're going and who you'll be meeting with including any email addresses or phone numbers you have for the date. If possible arrange a time to call a friend and check in. Tell your date you're meeting friends later and do so if possible. If you don't call or appear than friends can call you on your cell phone or call the police or whatever you've decide in advance is appropriate. Have 911 programmed into your cell phone.

10. Finally always remain aware of your surroundings and be on alert. Even if you're having a great time and the chemistry is great, it's a good idea to remain alert the whole evening. Many con artists are very charming, persuasive and can win you over easily.

Online dating safety is crucial. In the beginning stages of dating, you're still getting to know someone you know very little about. By creating a safe online dating and meeting environment and getting to know the person, you're creating a safer situation for you. Good Christian dating services, sites, agencies and networks and other Internet religious dating services can help eliminate some of the problems but ultimately you need to be vigilant yourself. Many singles have met and formed great friendships, relationships and love relationships through online dating services and you can too.

For more online dating tips and info on safety, free Christian dating and finding the best Christian dating service online go to for Christian dating service tips, help and free resources for Christian dating singles and Christian dating service reviews

Choosing a Date Or Lover - Things to Look Out For

Three tips for choosing the right date:

1.Start the relationship as friends first and then grow it into a relationship. This is often the best way to start a relationship, because you get to know and understand each other quickly and more easily as friends, more than when you start your relationship off immediately with dating. Friendship makes you bond more easily and quickly.

2.Choose a partner that you cannot live without and not one that you can live without:That is,he or she must be an individual that is very important to your day to day activity as in, he or she is a motivational factor or a stimulant that you just must have to keep on going despite the odds and obstacles that may present them selfs before you, once you think of he or she you are up and running again, in other words he/she is a driving factor in your life.

3.Trust and truthfulness: Many relationships are built on falsehood that is, either the man or woman playing the other or even both playing each other, any relationship that is to last long and that is going to stand the test of time must be built on trust and truthfulness at all time no matter the circumstance.

Both parties must not harbor any secret either in the past or in the future,any couple that is living in holy matrimony and is harboring secrets from each other will always have problem in there marriage because at one point in time secrets have a tendency to leak out and surface eventually. If you want to choose the right date or lover you must look out for trust and truth in him/her before agreeing to start a relationship with him/her.

Discover the good the bad and the ugly of any relationship,and the signs to look out for in any relationship,before starting one


How to Get Her Phone Number

Getting her Number:

The Indirect Approach: Rejection is the number one fear men harbor when it comes to initiating contact with women. It's normal and universal but you can act in spite of it. The only difference between men who succeed and men who don't is practice. With practice and careful attention to body language you can interact with women with some reliable indications of her interest thus greatly reducing rebuffs. But if the thought of a "No" is terrifying to the point of paralysis, deftly slipping her your digits beats doing nothing. It's not a first choice mainly because it's a role reversal and an interested woman may have an adverse reaction. But typically, if done with in a non-cocky, humble and respectful manner, a truly interested woman will call if you ask her to.

The direct approach: Wait until you have all the info you can gather regarding her body language and verbal responses to you. Then, when the time is drawing near for one of you to leave the shared location, make a move. Certainly, many a promising love-connection has short-circuited because of an end of the evening balk. Don't let the window of opportunity slam shut on you.

At good bye (whether it's you or her heading out) you might say: "I have to get going," or "I saw you were leaving" but I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed talking to you. Would you like to have coffee or dinner some time?"

If she says, "Yes," ask for her number then and there. Be sure to do this in privacy without your buddies, her gal pals, or the hired help in earshot. By asking her in a public setting you may inadvertently corner her into a false-yes only to have her reject you at a later date. Be casual and have a polite response at the ready should she say "No." If after your request, she hesitates, stutters or mumbles anything resembling a demurral, don't repeat your ask or attempt to persuade her, simply offer a, "Nice talking with you. Take care," then exit with dignity.

Don't ever counter a rejection. For instance, if she says, "I'm not sure I have a busy couple of weeks ahead," or "I don't know. I'm kind of seeing someone," say only, "Ok" and leave the area! Don't ask, "What about after next month," or whether or not her relationship is monogamous.

Confusingly, some women simply don't like to give their telephone numbers out to total strangers, even total strangers they find intriguing and attractive, so always have a business card in your wallet to give her yours. I don't give my number out simply because I've had one too many seemingly nice man turn out to be a borderline stalker. I always ask for his number instead when he requests mine. This isn't a rejection at all, but rather a safety measure.

Anything but a clear, yes is a no.

If you truly feel there's some chance in hell she'll change her mind after an initial rejection in which she doesn't request your digits, you might, at most, without discussion, offer her your number with a simple, "If you change your mind, it would be great to hear from you," or "If your schedule frees up, I'd love to get together." Walk away confidently. You never know, you might meet again and you don't want her to remember you as the dejected, slump-shouldered sad-sack who slithered away near tears because she wasn't interested in coffee.

Good luck!

Maya Martin, Relationship Coach