Friday, June 22, 2007

Dating Advice For Black Men and Women

You have just arrived home after your first date of meeting and you know that both of you are really interested in a second meeting, however you have no idea where a good place would be to meet as their are so many options – We have given you here just a few of the great places to go on a date.

Most black people just love rap clubs, or places where rap is heard or created. Thats why you should really consider about going to some rap/hip hop clubs, this can vary in a big nightclub or some local jointin your local neighbourhood not far from you which can be quite casual.

There is also the option of a coffee shop, this is usually where first dates happen, and this is a great place to get know someone better, as the atmosphere is quiet and calm, If you went to a coffee shop on your first date then chose one in some sort of other location like the beach front or by the waterside.

There are of course, other fun places that you can try but this means you should at least know a bit about the other person, for instance doing something sporty or just a walk on the beach which is very romantic and is a perfect opportunity to talk and get to know the other person..

If you know for a fact that your date is the sporting type and you are as well you can take them surfing, or rock climbing or any other outdoor activity.

The most important issue is that your partner will be happy with the location that you have decided upon, for instance if you take them to a steak bar and they are vegetarians this might not go down very well with them.

The options are endless, I really hope you will find the right place and you will learn how to spontaneous and original.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Successful Dating Tips Fro Blacks

  1. Be yourself, and be honest.
    If you are going to meet someone, it is better be yourself, and not someone you are not. You will look unnatural. Go to a place you feel comfortable and where you can be yourself. In the long run it will be very disapointing to the other side to find out that you are not the person they thought you were.

  1. When you first meet your potential date, try smiling, because you don't even know how much a persons psychology gets positive when someone is smiling at them. Never underestimate a good nice smile. It will give you a good start and you will be already a positive person at the beginning You better be yourself, and not some other people you are not. Trying to be someone you are not will look unnatural. Also go to a place you feel comfortable and will allow you to be yourself. Also make sure this place is comfort for the other side too.
  2. Dress in an appropriate way, and fit your clothes to the place you are going. If you ar going to a dance party, you can dress in bright colored clothes, not in a suit. A suit would be suitable for some high level place. For a coffee shop dress casual, Don't hide yourself behind the clothes you dress in order to disguise yourself, but dress appropriately..
  3. A touch is a clear method to show someone you are interested in them but use it in the correct way. If the other side is touching your hand gently, don't panic, and don't start thinking, yes the are mine etc, try to go with the flow, and give them the gentle touch they he would expect. Of course it could lead to a bad situation, like if you touch someone and they do not respond like for instance your hand is removed. , don't give up on this, they may not be ready just yet. When they are ready they will touch you and make the first move.she will make the touch. Try using this at the right time, for example if you are walking on the beach, and they are getting closer to you, but not if you are sitting in a restaurent and eating, this is not the right time.
  4. A look is a powerful tool to show the other person that they are amazing, and that you can look at them all day. Looking on some one while they are quiet for more then a few seconds, will make the other side ask "why are they looking at me like this? ", and you should say something like, you are beautiful and I enjoy to looking at you. Don't be shy, this is not the time.
  5. Always be intersted in what the other side is saying, don't just hear, but listen, ask simple and complicated questions, show them that you are interested. Also tell the other side how nice it is to meet a person like them.
  6. Do not just talk about yourself it is very important to be outgoing and friendly.
  7. As a last tip, if you really do not want to see this person again then make it quiet clear, it is better to do it at very begining and not to draw it out longer than necessary.

Good Luck in your date.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

First Dating of Afro American Teen Agers

You and someone of the opposite sex are ready to meet one another for the first time, you are both interested in each other at this stage, and this first meeting will be the stepping stone for the continuance of your relationship. The time and the place are a very important thing to set, not forgetting how you set up this meeting.

It is important to be polite and not demanding " would you like to go out with me ? if the feedback is positive then politly ask them where they would like to meet and if they ask you to suggest a place then suggest it in a way that they can change it or confirm it.

An answer such as "it will be fine", or "see you there" are very good, but you must ask them so the reciever wil be able to change the meeting date, or time or even refuse in a nice and polite way - don't set the time and place by yourself matter of factly, it is much too aggressive.

The first meeting will give both sides the chance to get to know the other. The first impression the other is the most important one, because even if you are not aware of it the brain registers the first meeting and nearly never forgets that moment or in the very least special things that happened at it. The meeting place should be a place that you will both feel comfortable and where you can talk to each other without a lot of background noise. A coffee bar or restaurant is the ideal place. Pay attention to what the other side are saying and look at him or her directly into the eyes – it is best to sit opposite them, dont forget you are not at home so sit in a way that is comfortable for you but not too casual as also body language is also a vital part of the first impression.

The day before the date it is important to call the other side to check the meeting is still on. Another important thing is not to be late so get ready for the date and set out earlier than you anticipated it is better to arrive early than to arrive late, however not too early you dont want to seem over keen.

Depending on what you are looking for in a relationship it is not really recommended to have sexual activity on your first date. This can happen however if both sides are very open minded and are extremely attracted to each other. To be on the safe side for any date take with you condoms or any other contraception. What you wear, the clothes, shoes, glasses is set in the other persons mind when first seeing you, dress appropriately for a first date for example if you know you are only going to a coffee house then dont wear an evening dress or if you are going to a classy restaurant dont wear jeans. – Wearing something comfortable yet appropriate is important, dont every overdress or for that matter underdress.

IF you are a women and looking for a series relationship dont get dressed in revealing clothes such as a mini skirt and very low cut top as this can give the wrong impression.

And now all we have left to say is have a good luck.